Attention Payroll Paid Employees:

As always, W-2 forms will be mailed and available online on or before January 31st.  You do not need to contact us to request them they will be automatically sent and made available in your UKG (Formerly called UltiPro).  If, in February, you still have not received it you should contact at that time.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you had any paid leave (disability, paid family leave, FMLA etc) you must not file until you receive notification from ISS that your W2-c is available.  If you file without that you will not be reporting accurate information and will end up having to file an amendment so it is very important that you wait for that.

Also, the IRS has changed the tax brackets for 2023 which may cause slight differences in the federal taxes that are deducted from your pay.  This is the federal government and has nothing to do with ISS, but for more information visit the IRS website

If you would like to update your tax forms for 2023 please fill out the state (IT-2104) and/or federal (W4) tax forms and email them to

2023 W4 Federal Tax Form, PDF, Jan 2023

2023 IT-2014 State Tax Form, PDF, Jan 2023