To our Stakeholders,
We appreciate all your efforts in trying to work with us while we have been getting ready to meet the mandate required by the Cures Act on 1/1/21. We tried to build an EVV system to meet the minimum requirements, and to be the least intrusive while still maintaining the integrity of the billing and payments mandates from Medicaid.
As you have been using our ETIME Live system, we have received valuable feedback from many of you, and we are currently working to make some changes to ETime Live. These changes will address some of the concerns that have been brought to us about location information upon clocking in and out while in the community providing Community Habilitation Services. We will make these changes in the next few weeks and we will send out another communication to you as to the changes and when they are going live. Until then please continue to use ETime Live and remember that each shift must be submitted and approved individually in the system.
Thank you for all your efforts and cooperation.